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Wenn die Berge dein Meer werden - Lisa Eikrann at Antonio Wehrli Art Space

On Saturday, June 26, 2021, the exhibition "Wenn die Berge dein Meer werden" by Norwegian artist Lisa Eikrann will open at Antonio Wehrli Art Space in Schwanden GL, Switzerland.

Lisa Eikrann has been working as an artist and scenographer for 15 years. After her set designer study at the Academy for Stage Art at the University of Østfold, the Oslo National Academy of the Arts and the Zurich University of the Arts, ZHDK, she came to Switzerland in 2014.

In 2016 she received the focus award of the Kunsthaus Glarus for her installation “Ich”. Lisa is interested in the meeting of people and architecture. She works conceptually and abstractly with objects and room installations that are related to the experience and the ego of the viewer.

Lisa Eikrann is using plywood to create her art.

She paints and experiments with the features of this unusual surface.

Apart from using this material for paintings, she also creates room filling installations like the one below, called "Sich", exhibited at the Jungkunst Winterthur, Switzerland in 2018:

Images: courtesy of the artist

Below an impressive work with triangles, "Kabinett der Du", exhibited at Kunsthaus Glarus, Switzerland in 2017:

Images: courtesy of the artist

At the Antonio Wehrli Art Space gallery in Schwanden GL, Switzerland, the exhibition will showcase some centerpieces of Lisa Eikranns sculptures.

More details to follow after the opening.

A special highlight of the exhibition will be a site-specific installation of “Kabinett der Du”, which will adorn the right wall of the entrance room.

A selection of her paintings on plywood will be on show as well.

The exhibition will feature a compact, powerful assembly of some of her best works.

Images of the exhibition opening and artworks will be online from June 27th.

If you can come to the opening, please let me know by June 25.

All the best,



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