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Tomorrow'll be better - exhibition in Shanghai - NFTs

For an exhibition in Shanghai "Tomorrow'll be better" by Artgogo, I created a series of NFTs that are derived from my centrifugal artworks.

"Tomorrow will be better" is a famous Taiwanese Mandopop Charity song written in 1985 by Lo Tayu and newly adapted in 2021/22 by Cao Qitai, the "CAO" Chief Art Officer at Artgogo and former Taiwanese TV moderator of "Who wants to be a millionaire".

There are two new versions of the song, one sung by over 50 famous singers and movie-stars from Asia and one sung by the artists of the exhibition.

This exhibition also marks the 8th birthday of the art gallery. Every day they present artist of the show.

I am the only non-Chinese artist participating and also the only artist not present in China.

Below are some of the NFT artworks:

They are all animated gifs. Go here to see them all:

An NFT or non-fungible token is a non-interchangeable unit of data stored on a blockchain, a form of digital ledger.

It's still a fairly new form of collecting art. Possibilities will be to exhibit collected artworks in digital art galleries or museums or houses. Several Metaverses that are being built will offer the possibility to decorate digital estates, housing, etc. with NFTs.

Nike, LV or Burberry have started NFT collections and sell real-world bags or sneakers, etc. including an NFT for the digital avatar.

I took this idea and created the "Centrifugals" to accompany the real-world artworks. The digital selves of the centrifugal artworks are in motion and therefore similar but different. While the first sale delivers the real-world artwork with the NFT, both units will start their separate lifespans afterwards and can be sold individually.

Damien Hirst created a series of 10'000 NFTs derived from real-world artworks and the collector had to decide after 6 months to get the real-world artwork delivered and the NFT burned or to have the real-world artwork, that was in storage with the artist, destroyed and keep the NFT.

Every creator of an NFT can decide him- or herself how he or she decides to create the NFT and under which "law" it will be governed.

If you are interested in any of the Centrifugals and their real-life counterparts but are overwhelmed with the digital world, I can help you along the way or offer to set up a custodial wallet for you.

For the real-world artwork, nothing changed actually. You will still get the happily colorful canvas artwork that you can hang on your wall and enjoy. The NFT is just an added bonus - that might or might not be highly valuable in the future and that you might or might not want to use to decorate your metaverse home.

To introduce the artists and their works, Artgogo asked every artist to make a short clip. My clip was published on January 26 in China. While you might not understand what I am saying in the clip below, it likely will make you laugh. That's why I send it along. Enjoy! If you want to skip the Chinese part, go directly to 0:58 and have a good laugh!

In case above video does not load, I hope the link will work:

I had to laugh constantly while doing above introduction and good wishes. Therefore I decided to send the laughing parts with it in case they would like to do some sort of "making of" - and that's exactly what they did.

Laugh yourself happy!

All the best,

Turn your life colorful!



Antonio Wehrli Art Space  |   Impressum​   |   © All Rights Reserved

Antonio Wehrli Art Space

Freibergstrasse 2

8762 Schwanden GL

Glarus, Switzerland

Die Kunst Galerie im Glarnerland

Kunst in Glarus

Email: info(at)

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