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Artist: MARCK

Title: Maria Magdalena

featuring a video loop of 36:49 minutes made from LCD panel and metal

Size: 26cm x 18cm x 8cm

Edition of 10 +AP

A statue of Maria is overprojected by a transparent screen on which a naked version of Maria Magdalena is dancing. It starts with her being of identical form like the statue and then becoming alive. 

MARCK, Maria Magdalena, 26cm x 18cm x 8cm, Edition of 10 +AP

CHF 6'800.00Price

    Antonio Wehrli Art Space  |   Impressum​   |   © All Rights Reserved

    Antonio Wehrli Art Space

    Freibergstrasse 2

    8762 Schwanden GL

    Glarus, Switzerland

    Die Kunst Galerie im Glarnerland

    Kunst in Glarus


    "World Flower", C-Print behind acrylic - edition of 15, 40cm x 40cm, CHF 1200

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